Committee Decisions 5 of 29

5. Committee Newsletter Feb 2018

Key DECISIONS and ACTIONS from the Hockey Club Committee Meetings – 5 Feb 2018

The Pitch and Funding Applications
Great news - the National Hockey Foundation have considered our funding application and awarded a grant of £35,000 towards the replacement of our pitch surface. A big thank you to them. The grant comes with conditions including the need for a financial plan that will pay for the next replacement of the pitch surface and a change in our club’s governance to ensure that. The committee is taking advice on options to reinforce our Club’s constitution to ensure an adequate pitch fund is built up and protected into the future.

We are waiting to hear from Sport England about our funding application to them.

The information collected for these funding applications is readily available for anybody to make additional applications that they may think of, or know about. Just contact a committee member for the information and do it – it’s easy.

Other fund raising activities are gathering pace so please support them. We are aiming for completion of the resurfacing work before the start of the 2018/19 season. What we actually do will depend on how much funding we get.

Annual savings to the pitch fund of at least £20k will be needed into the future. The committee thinks that £10k will come from tight control of expenditure – not spending money we haven’t got, and ensuring that all members pay their annual subscriptions and match fees. A small number of men and ladies players will be withdrawn from selection if they haven’t paid their overdue annual subscription within the next week.

A further income of £10k will therefore need to be generated, over and above our annual social events and sponsorship income. The committee will be meeting with the Club’s coaches to look at making more pitch time available for external hire, particularly during midweek prime times, and get more external hire out of times not currently used eg daytimes and the summer break.

If you know of anybody who would be willing to sponsor us please put them in touch with Kirk Bellerby.

Pitch Maintenance
It was agreed to take action to sort out the pitch side dugout which is falling down. The committee has cancelled the Replay pitch maintenance contract on the basis that Ken West is carrying out the necessary work and it will save us money.

Dates For Your Diary
20 April – Junior Presentation Evening
27 April – Hockey Club Ball
23 Feb – Race Night
Early June - AGM

“Ask not what your club can do for you, ask what you can do for your club”