Committee Decisions 26 of 29

26. Committee Newsletter Dec 2015

Key DECISIONS and ACTIONS from the Hockey Club Committee Meet 7 Dec

Club Roles and Structure
A summary of all current club roles and our structure for 2015/16 was agreed by the committee and can now be found on the website under ‘information / committee’. The purpose of the information is to help club members understand who does what, and for those who are in those roles, helping to run the club, to understand that as well. If you have any comments please talk to a committee member.

The review of paid roles continues with monthly performance reviews being held

Pitch Floodlights – The committee can confirm a full floodlighting overhaul will take place in Jan 2016. The cost of this is being mainly met with a grant of £20,000 from the National Hockey Foundation. The work is scheduled for w/c 11th Jan, to last up to 5 days. Details of the pitch availability will be made clearer after the Festive holidays. Although some disruption is envisaged, hopefully it’ll be a minimum and that the pitch will be available each evening after a day’s work has been completed.

New Kit and Club Logo – Following on from the committee’s approval of a new logo for the club, a sub group will be set up to consider a new set of playing kit for the 2016/17 season. The new logo can be seen on the Sports Club sign at the entrance to the club and on Mens and ladies 1st team tracksuits.

Umpires – We are short of qualified umpires. Please sign up to the level 1 umpiring course being organised for Sunday the 24 January at the club.

Ladies, Men’s and Junior Sections – The junior section is pleased to report a number of successes for boys and girls recently with the U10 boys winning the IN2 Minis South Yorkshire Hockey Cup. The committee agreed to junior coaching sessions being run by ‘One Hockey’ in March and August underlining the whole club’s commitment to junior hockey at Doncaster.

Membership – we will be chasing up people who have not paid their annual membership fees yet so if it is YOU do it now.

Cheese and Wine tickets for the 19 December are still on sale and a cocktail evening is being planned for the 13 Feb 2016.

“Ask not what your club can do for you, ask what you can do for your club”